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The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast | ELA

Nov 30, 2023

This week I want to share a productivity tip that has changed my life in ways large and small. 

Three years ago we were all in the heart of a pandemic. My children were very young - five and eight. My mom was sick. There was a lot of pressure on our family, as there was on pretty much every family. I had been sharing...

Nov 28, 2023

Today on the podcast, we’re sitting down with Martina Cahill, who goes by The Hungry Teacher online. One of her great gifts is helping middle school ELA teachers rock it with choice reading and book clubs, though I believe a lot of what she teaches can easily apply to high school too, especially when it comes to...

Nov 23, 2023

This week I want to talk about argument, and why it seems so esoteric to kids when they learn about it at school, and so relevant when they watch it unfold on their screens. 

This week a member of our Lighthouse community threw out a question - is the five paragraph essay dead?

It really got me thinking about my...

Nov 21, 2023

When it comes to an engaging poetry unit, I believe the #1 building block is performance. There's something about watching contemporary poets stand up and deliver their work that is undeniably engaging.

Kids might hate the piece they see performed. They might love it.

They might feel their skin crawl watching it...

Nov 16, 2023

This week I want to talk about how one-pagers can be a powerful gateway to creative options in your classroom. 

Let’s start with the one-pager basics. A one-pager allows students to express their takeaways from, well, just about anything, on a single paper through a combination of words and images. A one-pager can...