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The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast | ELA

Mar 29, 2018


STEM gets a lot of attention, but we all know the ELA skills play a huge role for scientists, engineers, and technology leaders. 

In this episode, discover how to create interdisciplinary bridges between STEM and ELA  through creative novel projects, nonfiction articles that...

Mar 15, 2018

In this episode, I'll give you the roadmap for using genius hour in ELA. 

Find out how it fits the standards, how to structure it, how to grade it, and where you can find an amazing free resource set to get you started.

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Mar 2, 2018

Teaching Shakespeare? So often we're trying to help our students understand the language and context of the era, and make a real connection to the Bard. So whether you're teaching Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Macbeth, Hamlet, or one of his others, there are certain solid go-tos you can weave in to...