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The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast | ELA

Mar 30, 2021

In this interview with Dr. Catlin Tucker, blended learning specialist, learn about the station rotation model, effective playlist creation for independent learning, project-based-learning in the time of pandemic, and more. 

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Mar 16, 2021

Ready to dive into genius hour with your students? Genius hour is an amazing way to develop their creativity AND ELA skillset. In this episode, learn how to rally student enthusiasm, structure projects, and come up with creative final products that make good use of ELA skills. 

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Mar 3, 2021

Want to do lit circles with your older students without the usual prescribed roles? Find out how one teacher made them work beautifully in her classroom. 

I love how Krista integrated her lit circles with a full class non-fiction novel,  the way she stoked enthusiasm for her book choices by reading the first chapter...