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The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast | ELA

Nov 28, 2017

Today on the podcast, Brynn Allison of The Literary Maven shares her top ten current book recommendations to hook reluctant readers. 

For example... 


If you're going to add only one of these books to your reading library, this just might be it. It's Brynn's...

Nov 17, 2017

There are so many great places to find inspiration for ELA online! 

In this episode, I'm sharing my favorite sites for free creative lesson plans and ideas for English teachers online. 

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Explore alllll the Episodes of The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast.

Join our community, Creative High School English, on...

Nov 6, 2017

In this episode, I'll share five strategies for amping up student engagement by giving them authentic audiences for their work.

It's more doable than it seems! Once you start looking, you'll find authentic audience options for your ELA students all over the place. 

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Explore alllll the Episodes of The Spark...